Military Wives Resource

JBER Sitters

This is a page designed so that "Sitters" of JBER can post availability and network with families. This includes pet sitters and cleaners and other care related services. This is also a great place to share craft ideas, snack ideas etc. After all being a "Sitter" entails more then just sitting around. Keep it clean and friendly. We have a ZERO drama policy.
Please keep your post professional and discuss your pricing via message.
Feel free to upload a bio into the photos and use the description to add personal info. Be honest and remember your responsible for your actions on JBER Sitter.
Also Parents this is a resource not a company. You are responsible for your actions and choices.
If there is a problem between a sitter and their client work it out independently. Please reference base guidelines.

Work With Heather

Have humbly served alongside the community through Green Grocer bringing food to our underserved community in South Minneapolis. Interact with business owners and guests in various settings.

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