How to Maintain Your House While You Go On Vacation

How to Maintain Your House While You Go On Vacation

  • Heather Zielinski
  • 09/11/24

Going on vacation is a time to relax and unwind, but leaving your home unattended can cause stress if you're not properly prepared. Ensuring that your house remains secure and well-maintained while you're away is crucial for your peace of mind. These tips will help you take the necessary steps to protect your home and keep it in good condition during your absence.

Secure Your Home

Security is the top priority when leaving your home for an extended period. Taking a few precautionary measures can significantly reduce the risk of anyone coming in that shouldn’t.

Lock All Entry Points

Ensure that all doors and windows are securely locked before you leave. Double-check any sliding doors and make sure they are properly secured with a rod or bar. Consider installing deadbolts on exterior doors for added security.

Use a Security System

If you have a security system, activate it before you leave. Modern security systems often include surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and alarms that can alert you to any suspicious activity. If you don't have a security system, consider installing one, as it can provide peace of mind and deter potential intruders.

Inform a Trusted Neighbor

Notify a trusted neighbor of your travel plans so they can keep an eye on your property. Provide them with your contact information and a spare key in case of emergencies. Having someone local who can monitor your home adds an extra layer of security.

Manage Utilities

Managing your utilities properly can prevent potential hazards and save energy while you're on vacation.

Adjust Thermostats

Set your thermostat to an energy-saving temperature. In the winter, keep it warm enough to prevent pipes from freezing, and in the summer, set it high enough to avoid unnecessary energy use. Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely, allowing you to adjust settings as needed.

Unplug Electronics

Unplug non-essential electronics to save energy and reduce the risk of electrical fires. This includes items such as televisions, computers, and kitchen appliances. Make sure that any essential appliances, like your refrigerator, remain plugged in.

Turn Off the Water Supply

Turn off the water supply to your home to prevent potential leaks or water damage. If turning off the main water supply is not feasible, at least shut off the water to individual appliances like washing machines and dishwashers. This step can prevent significant damage in the event of a leak.

Prepare for Emergencies

Being prepared for emergencies is crucial when leaving your home unattended. Ensure that you have plans in place to address any unexpected issues.

Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace batteries if needed, and make sure these devices are in good working order before you leave.

Arrange for Emergency Access

Provide a trusted friend or neighbor with a spare key and contact information in case of emergencies. Make sure they know how to reach you and are familiar with any specific instructions regarding your home.

Inform Your Alarm Company

If you have a security system, inform the alarm company of your travel dates. Ensure they have your updated contact information and the contact information of a local emergency contact.

Handle Mail and Deliveries

Unattended mail and packages can quickly pile up, signaling that the homeowner is away. Manage your mail and deliveries to maintain the appearance that your home is occupied.

Hold or Forward Mail

Contact your local post office to place a hold on your mail or arrange for it to be forwarded to your temporary address. This service can usually be set up online and will ensure that mail doesn't accumulate in your absence.

Manage Package Deliveries

If you are expecting any packages, try to reschedule deliveries or arrange for them to be held at the delivery facility. Alternatively, ask a neighbor to collect your packages to prevent them from sitting on your doorstep.

Maintain a Lived-In Look

Making your home appear lived-in can give you peace of mind while you're away.

Use Timers for Lights

Install timers on indoor and outdoor lights to create the illusion that someone is home. Set them to turn on and off at various times to mimic your usual patterns.

Arrange for Regular Visits

If possible, arrange for a friend or neighbor to visit your home periodically. They can perform tasks such as taking out the trash, bringing in the mail, and checking for any issues. 

Keep Curtains and Blinds in Place

Leave curtains and blinds as you normally would when you are home. Closing them can signal that the house is empty, while leaving them open can give outsiders a clear view of the interior. Find a balance that maintains your privacy without drawing attention to your absence.

Heather Zielinski: Your Partner in Linden Hills Real Estate

Ensuring that your home is secure and well-maintained while you are on vacation is essential for a worry-free trip. By following these steps, you can protect your property and enjoy your time away with confidence.

For more personalized advice and expert guidance on homes for sale in Linden Hills, reach out to Heather Zielinski today to begin your journey.


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