6 DIY Home Staging Tips

6 DIY Home Staging Tips

  • Heather Zielinski
  • 08/8/23

When you decide to sell your home, you’ll have many items on your to-do list to get your home sold quickly—and for the most money. Performing needed maintenance, taking care of cosmetic issues, and keeping the lawn mowed and trimmed are all chores that will go a long way in making your home more appealing to potential buyers.

But many real estate experts will maintain that if you effectively stage your home, you will secure offers faster and for higher amounts. You can always hire a professional home stager for this, but maybe you’d like to give it a shot on your own. If that’s the case, follow these DIY home staging tips from the pros.

Clean your home first

The home you’re about to stage must look its absolute best. This means a deep cleaning is in order. If you’re like most folks, you keep on top of routine cleaning, but an intense deep cleaning might not be something you’ve done in a while. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and check this chore off your list!

Carpets must be cleaned, windows scrubbed, baseboards washed, and fixtures polished. The list of what goes into a real deep cleaning is extensive and will be a time-consuming affair. Many will enlist the services of a professional cleaning company, who have the skills and equipment to get this done expertly and efficiently.

Once the home has been deep cleaned, it will be up to you to keep it tidy. Imagine someone entering your door at any moment to view your home. Put items away when you’re finished with them, stay on top of your laundry and dishes, and don’t forget to routinely dust and sweep until the house sells!

Depersonalizing the home is the next step

The next DIY home staging tip involves making the home seem as neutral as possible. Packing up and storing your personal items that you don’t regularly need will achieve this. Remove photos from your walls, and consider replacing them with artwork. Personal trinkets and mementos should be out of sight, too. Whatever you can do to make the home look less like you will make any prospective buyer able to envision themselves in the space.

Consider a new coat of paint

You might have put a lot of thought and time into paint color. But perhaps those colors aren’t suited for many potential buyers that will eventually make their way into your home. If you’ve splashed wild colors on your walls, it’s worth considering repainting them. But this time, use neutral colors.

Odds are, whoever buys your home will want to paint the walls to suit their tastes after purchasing it. White/off-white walls would help them visualize rooms with a blank slate, which might be challenging if the walls held various hues. This DIY home staging tip is often overlooked but nonetheless important.

Natural light goes a long way in making a room look its best

You will want to capitalize on the amount of natural light available outside every window and skylight in your home. Open your drapes up all the way, allowing the sun’s rays to enter at their fullest capacity. Bright, sunny rooms make them look alive and vibrant, appealing to most potential buyers.

Arrange furniture and decor with light-reflective colors. This adds to the vibrancy and makes each room pulse with life.

Don’t forget to hang mirrors

One trick that will help with your home staging is to use mirrors. Centering framed mirrors throughout the home’s walls will make the rooms look larger and brighter. It’s an old technique that is widely used because it works great.

Accessorize and rearrange

Your home is clean, freshly painted, and depersonalized. Each room is full of natural light, looking its best for anyone who takes a tour. But there are a couple of other items to do before you’re ready to call it a day.

Arrange your furniture in ways that open up the rooms more. This will help each room seem less cluttered, more roomy, and easier to navigate. Center the beds along the longest walls. Ensure your largest piece of living room furniture is also centered in this way.

Adding accessories will be a final touch that makes your home look inviting. Place end tables next to either end of your sofa. Large candles, votives, and short stacks of books will achieve the warmth and welcoming feeling you want the rooms to have.

Neatly arrange artwork on opposing walls along with the mirrors you’ve hung on the walls. Lastly, consider adding a bit of greenery to some of the rooms. Potted plants will help make your rooms feel comfy and alive and will add that splash of color needed to offset the neutral shade of your painted walls.

Ready to take the next step?

The decision to sell your home should not be taken lightly. The amount of time and energy it takes to achieve this transaction on your own can be quite daunting, so selling a home with a selling agent is strongly recommended. If you are considering selling your home, an agent like Heather Zielinski has years of experience and dedication to make this process as smooth and profitable as possible. Contact her today to get started!

*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock


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